Stormy Nights

So, its looking like storm clouds here in NC.   It never really seems to amount to a whole lot.  The whole storm tracker thing.  I mean when I had my ranch house out in the boonies there were a few scares.  Sometimes we would see flashes of lighting and a fe times the house seemed to shake.  It was pretty wild especially since I was practically laid out in bed alot of days due to my recovering from the Aids diagnosis.  Ive noticed alot of my old friends from back in the day who know Im pos think of me a little different.  Kind of like, yea well you were always a tough guy, your dad killed himself, you grew up with hells angels, your mom was a fucken pot smokin bitch and you grew up around a bunch of bullshit.  They probaly see me as someone who could survive a holocaust so they don’t sweat it Im sure.  for all intents and purposes I guess I am like a damn cochroach.  Today I biked about five miles on my mountain bike and had a blast.  Yesterday my son and I drove out to Lake Jordan and went fishing.  No fish but we did manage to start a fire out there on the beach.  We had no paper to light but we did haul a bunch of old branches out of the swampy are and pull them to the beach and then started the fire with a burning pinecone.  Pinecones burn great and you can set them on fire with a lighter and then set the kindling wood abaze from that.  At the end of the day my son was like, “Hey dad, that’s like survival stuff man.”  lol…I thought that was funny as hell.  For him Im sure it was but thats cool.  Good kid he is.  I think alot of my old Marine Corps survival shit come back to me.  Survive at all cost.  Before we went fishing we went and saw my old neighbor, a redneck who lived out in the country next to us.  His problem was always the bottle and although its been two year since I last saw him, hes been in jail for a year of that time from a DUI.  And now, he got another one. lol.  I mean cmon man, aint ya gonna learn bro?  I guess he doesn’t because he said hes going back in the joint come this Thursday.  So, I guess some old dogs cant learn new tricks.  Sad because hes a nice guy, just letting the bottle do his living for him.  Bummer.  The book I have today to recommend is The Big New Yorker Book Of Dogs. Im not a big dog fan but this is a best seller and has some rave reviews.  So I’ll recommend it.  Here is the link to it.  In the future I think Im going to look for books that have just a few reviews but positive ones.  Maybe I can help boost their sales.  Who knows. My book The Sunshine Murders has been doing ok on Amazon and last month I wrote another easy to read publishing and marketing book that is now on Amazon called Simple Steps To Publishing And Marketing your Kindle Book.  This was a lot of research on my part.  It also is the result of my trial and error in my writing, publishing and marketing efforts. So far I noticed its been selling too and before I combined all the e books together to make one book, I received a five star rating on Amazon for the 2nd series book.  Now it’s just one book.  Its not that big but I put a shitload of info in it with links and all kinds of stuff for new authors.  Blog sites, websites,author shows, all kinds of junk.  Speaking of which my Cardioglide has been getting neglected.  I love the thing even if its as old as Methusala but its kind of sitting on the back burner right now while I ride my mountain bike. Tomorrow I go into the VA to get my lab work.   I always hate going to the VA.  Its just one of those places that makes me feel like Im in the twighlight zone.  They have little robots on the floor that scurry around.  well, Ive only really seen one and it looks like a remote control R2D2.  Weird shit.  Theres your tax dollars at work I guess.  Ok, Im out of breath and I should get back to what I was doing.  Staring at my neglected Cardioglide.  BImagee well Dave

Cardioglide Nightmares

So, today I woke up and remembered a dream I had.  It was about my Cardioglide that  found in the dumpster.  Its a 1995 model and still works great.  The problem is I feel like it has its own mind or energy or mystic about it.  Like its been aound so long and its indestructable.  So maybe thats why I had a dream about the thing. So in the dream Im riding the thing and all of a sudden it starts going real fast and Im floppin back and forth like Linda Blair in the Exorcist on the bed scene.  (Love Linda Blair, so noffense to her)  So Im floppin and floppin and all a sudden it the thing stops and throws me to the ground.  So this mornign I wake up and Im looking at the Cardioglide thats looking all innocent in the corner of the room and Im thinking, maybe it needs to go back to the dumspter.  The problem is Im attatched to it now.  I like it.  I hate it too.  So yea, spooky.   The book I want to promote today besides The Sunshine Murders   is the book Poor Dad Rich Dad.  This book is pretty popular so I figured Id get it on I have one of their subscriptions which is about 14 bucks a month.  Its a decent deal.  Anyway so I listened to about three hours of it and the author was raised with two dads, one rich and one poor.  The poor dad has the view on money that goes like this.  Money is the root of all evil, yet he always worried about it and the lack of it.  The rich dad said the love of money is the root of all evil and put his money to work for himself  The poor dad and the rich dad both work hard and made good money yet one was rcih and one was broke.  So, it goes on and on about thinking, thoughts and views about money.  How the rich dude made money work for him much like planting a seed, when the tree grows it sets roots and you no longer have to water it as much.  The same thing applied to money and everything else. So although the book makes totally good sense I think its worthless to someone who HAS no money.  Just my thoughts.  This book works on the premise that money is available and you just have to use it correctly.  Its a good book but yea only for those of means in my opinion.  IE, people with stocks, bonds,real estate, etc.  Its all about leverage.  I think the author has a stick up his ass somewhat, maybe that better than everyone else attitude.  But whatever.  Its a book about money.  I give it a three star rating simply because I dont feel it applies to everyone.  The book link is here  Yesterday I had a request to write a blog for someone who wanted to promote his business so I thought.  The business was I thought his new startup company called Empower Network and he was a Jamaican Immigrant who struggled and finally succeeded with this company.  I wrote the bio thinking good for him, he made it out fo the rat race.  Later that day I was scanning my emails and come across a spam from a Rick Patterson and hes trying to hawk his business.. Wouldnt you know it, the business name was Empower Network.  Sucker born every minute.  So, hopefully this guy I wrote the bio and elevator pitch for wont be too bummed out when he finds he may be in for a ride from this Rick Patterson yahoo.  I made my money writing the to blogs for him but I wonder if he knows what hes getting into.  Like I said sucker born every minute.  I feel sorry for this world.  Ta ta.

Book Update And A New Recommended Read

So, I started this blog a while ago, Its been a few months now.  Initially it was just about The Sunshine Murders book and how I was coming along with the whole publishing experience.  So far its been ok, I mean it is what it is.  I havent really become successful so to speak even though I think the book came out good.  I just suck at marketing my own book.  Thats ok, Im not worried about it anymore.  So, I decided to update this blog with posts about other peoples books that Ive checked out.  I usually read about three to four chapters and can tell if the book is worth a crap.  Like if its worth reading.  Most of the time it seems like I see books that are ok, but nothing special.  Every once in a while I read something that catches my eye and attention.  So Im posting them here.  Ill post at the end of this blog my pick for the day, week, whatever.  Ive been doing the continued treadmill dace at the gym.  Its pretty tough for a guy with the HIV virus I have to admit.  This illness sucks but my luck or bad luck is I dont look like I have HIV.  (what the hell does that look like anyways?)  But for shits sake I work out alot, like almost everyday.  I usually spend about two hours in the gym, most of my time on the treadmill and the other time on free weights.  So, Ive been staying up on that.   I started talking with a guy today there and I find out hes a sheriff, here in Durham NC.  So, hes having a hard time with the whole weight, BMI and qualifying for the standards set forth by the department.  I was saying yea its like when I was in the Marine Corps, if you cut it on every angle but the weight, they send you to the fat farm.  Then you get the fat practically beaten out of you with, mountain climbers, pushups,jumping jacks and all kinds of shit.  So I think all that stuff, military, police departments, they all work on the same premise.  You have to meet the standards or your SOL. So, it was nice meeting the guy but I think i would pass on the job…seems like too much of a hassle.  Especially as you get older.  By the time your say fifty I would think your about finished and off to retirement.  Anyways thought Id throw that out there.  The book I want to post today is a book that’s actually on the best seller list.  It was released in January of this year but already has a ton of views.  I think this book is for both sexes but maybe in my eyes primarily for women. I may be wrong but that’s how I see it.  This book is called “Low Pressure” by Sandra Brown.  Shes a very popular author with over 80 million books in print, so I think shes definitely worth checking out.  So, do yourself a favor and check out her book Low Pressure if you want a quality read. Other than that I don’t have any other updates.  Oh, well maybe one.  i have been writing alot of blogs for the past few years.  Not just here. I write blogs on tons of subjects but as some know I am a former commercial electrician.  Here is an update on a blog I wrote if I’m not trying to promote my book The Sunshine Murders or My Life A Life Story Of A Man Infected.    Maybe I’m addicted to blogging and treadmills.  And maybe The Cardioglide…

The Sunshine Murders Update

so today I talked with a guy about making a video for my blog or website or whatever.   Its supposed to be good publicity for your book.  So although the price was high the concept seems to be cool.  You basically create a video about  see a book and post it on whatever.  I guess people are more apt to stick around if they see a visual.  So I may do it but I dont have the cash,,,,,yet.  I have been checking out some other books so I guess Ill try and just review books on here of people Ive met and have at least read a couple chapters of their books.  Maybe help them get some sales and who knows maybe someone will check out my books while their at it.   The book Ive been reading is called Obsessed and it is one of those Pshycological thrillers that makes you keep reading.  I got the book on Audible and as I listened to it I thought “Wow, this is heavy shit.”  Scared me. So I think its worth a look.  Its on Amazon and and its written by C.A.Janowski.  Its here on Amazon.  I mean it really is vivid and pretty crazy.  I wont tell you what its about but I guarantee it will leave you with shivers after the first couple chapters.  Some of the grammar in the book could use some work but all in all I give it four stars.  I tried to copy the book cover but it would let me.  Not sure why but it really is worth checking out. 


Fiverr Alert

So, Ive been laying low on the book writing but I dd start doing some editing and formatting to My Life A Life Story Of A Man Infected. This book was my first attempt at writing so it needed flushing after I finished it.  I eventually had it published but then found it needed some tlc.  The Sunshine Murders is again making a few sales on Audible here and there but not a whole lot.  So I try and be as creative as I can in my marketing.  Ive been busy on  Seems Im in demand as an article and blog writer more than an author.  Ive been getting swamped and I think I may have a permanent writing, well I guess it is permanent as Ive got a contract to write weekly blogs.  I guess someone noticed me..  whoo hoo.  I also have been looking into more ways to make money on Fiverr like editing and proofreading.  Alot of people are from overseas on the site and always need help editing or writing ads, blogs or whatever.  So, thats cool.  Heres a link to my Fiverr gigs.   Whoops thats the main one I do.  So thats the deal there.  Also here are two of my wacky promotions for my book I got off of ImageImage

Weekend Plans?

Ok, so I usually dont have many plans for the weekend.   Usually I just write alot.  Im trying to write one thousand words a day on my new book.   Thats really not alot especially if your writing a book.  I mean once you get moving and the story kind of unfolds in your mine, its real easy to find yourself at 5,000 words a a few hours.  My problem now is Im just not motivated as much.  Maybe its all the other shit going on.  Its snowing or freezing rain so, my car is being used because it has a higher profile and good tires. So, since I dont drive so much I just say yea go ahead, use it. Like I said, Im not as materialistic as I used to be.  Its just not that important anymore.  I do like to mess around with stocks here and there and deposit 50 bucks a month in my stock account just for shits and giggles.  I even invested in some Mexican bank stocks..Dont laugh, they have been doing well.  So thats the deal there.  I updated a utube video.   I usually dont do Utube videos but everyonce in a while I will just so people I know will think Im ok and havent died or falling off the planet….lol…So thats the deal there. I have always liked stuff like music and art and sports that are challenging.  Now more so than ever I find myself just picking up the guitar and playing some random riff.  I usually just think it up as I go along.  Like this Madman on A Guitar video clip.  Thats just my nature is to do wacky stuff even though now I am much tamer than I was back in the day.  So, alot of people will probably think whatever to my guitar playing madman sessions.  I have some friends back in San Diego, well one in particular that Ive known for years.  We always considered ourselves best friends or bros. lol..I remember spendng hours hanging out in his backyard which overlooked Lindburgh field airport and pounding beers and then beating up one of those crazy boxing dummies that has the head and upper body of a man.  That was some funny shit no doubt….Couple of drunk idiots beating up a boxing dummy.   I can see my son picking up some of my characteristics.  He doesnt see it but I do.   Chip off the old block I guess.   So anyways thats the update, not much happening…..

Sales On Audible!

I made some sales on Audible On The Sunshine Murders!  This is the new series book which has five tales in the series.  So, Im so happy it made sales just two days  after I updated the book.  Originally it only had three tales of murder and mayhem on the California coast, but now Ive added two more series to it.  The last two wind down John Brodis’ career and it end with his retirement.  This book I spent alot of time tweaking to get it jut right.  o, Im glad that i old some copies right out the gate.  It i a pretty wacky book and although its not too long (Two hours and something( on Audible, its really came out well.  So Im sure my narrator Luke Smith will be happy with the results.  I also have it updated on Kindle and Amazon and it really reads much better.  I wont say how much I paid for the editing but, well…it probably was not in the budget.  Its ok, Ill survive. Im just glad some people thought it was good enough to actually buy it.  I know what other authors go through now.  Initially and even now I dont consider myself a real author but the more I write the more I see what its all about.   Writing is not something where you just visualize and everything just works.  you have to just sit down and write, thats it.  Dont over think, dont project what  may or may not happen.  Just do it.  So thats what Ive been doing.  Some people have told me I write pretty visually which makes me feel good about what Im doing.  And to everyone who has been supportive I just want to thank you.  To Casey Voight, Larissa and the people who have supported me by leaving me positive comments I really appreciate it.  Even my brother Mike has been supportive and I havent seen him in a few years.  The last I saw him was when I was recouperating from the hospitalization.  He is a pretty cool dude.  He was pretty surprised when I came back and began writing after being so sick. I have posted an update on my new book Im writing but I’m not rushing through anything with that one.   Im taking it day by day.  So, thats the deal there.

Dave and his son

Dave and his son

Update On Book.

So, here is a short excerpt from the new book Im struggling though.  It needs editing and changes but its a start.

Chapter Seven

       “So, we will wait I guess.”  Mark looked around the tent.  “Where do we stay if you don’t mind me asking sir?”  The officer pointed to the entrance of the tent.  “Outside there are other tents as you have noticed already.  One is a mess tent, a headquarters tent and we have tent for sleeping, an exercise tent and a showering tent.  Basically we have pretty much all we need to keep ourselves moving along fine.  To the west there is the same.  Desert.  Most people who have tried to travel it in the past have for the most part, not survived.  It’s pretty treacherous as you have probably already found out.  So, right here, for now is our best bet.”  Desiree brushed at her new pair of camouflage pants.  The officer laughed at her efforts to brush off the dust which had collected on the uniform.  “I wouldnt be too worried about that young lady.  Dust and dirt is a way of life out here.  You two are free to look around the compound but don’t answer any questions if you can get away with it..  Just say that the OIC is taking care of things for you.”  The two looked to each other.  “Hmmmm, ok sir, well I guess wel’l just go and take a look around if you don’t mind.”  The officer nodded. “No problem, I’m sure you two have been through alot.  When you are done checking things out, come see me and I’ll set you up with sleeping quarters.” The two thanked the officer in charge and walked out of the tent.  “Yea, said Mark.  “I think we should  be fine here Desiree.  I really do.   I know it’s safer then trying to make it to the coast or even out of the desert the way were going.  I think we should just chill here until something happens.”  “I know Mark, I trust you.  But what is this all about?”  I mean it seems so strange to me.  Is this New World Order something you can live with?  I mean it seesm so weird.”  “Yea, I know, I think ever since the bombings ten years ago the governement has been plannning something like this.  I think it was bound to happen.  Just a matter of time ya know?”  Desiree shook her head in agreement.  “Yes, but…well I think then we may have not been in on this from the beginning.  What I mean is I think we were intended to be victims as well.  If that makes any sense.  And since we survived I wonder if they are thinking this wasnt what they intended.  Like,we werent supposed to survive the plague or the crash.  So, do you think they really want to help us?”  Mark thought a minute.  “You have a point my lady.  I see what your saying.  My dad did talk about it before, about the governement, especially afterth e bombings but….I was so young.  Barely 10 when it happened.  I don’t think I was supposed to be aware of any of it.  I don;t think my parents wanted me to know.  Maybe they figured I would be scared or not understand.”  He looked out to the west again past the compound.  Nothing but desert as far as the eye could see.  “I miss them already Desiree.  Don’t you?   Your parents I mean…miss them?”  “Oh…yes…I do, so much.  Im so confused Mark.  This really makes no sense to me.  All of it.   I mean do you think the governemtn just wants to start over?  Like do you think maybe they did this just to start a new world?”  “Yes, I do.”  said Mark quickly.  “It really looks that way.  I think there were too many people, too many problems and way too many security measures in place.  Since the recession I think many things happened.  People lost so much and began to get nervous.  I dont think they trusted the government anymore.”  “But,  Desiree continued. “to go to such extreme measures and wipe out most of the population is insane!’  “Yes, I know it is, no doubt about it.”  Mark replied.  “So, well…I think thats what happened.  The important thing is we are safe, for now.”  “Yes, I know, but for how long Mark?   Do you really trust the Officer In Charge of this whole place?  I just dont know.  I want to think we are safe but we really need a plan in case things go south for us here, don’t you think?”  He looked at Desiree, this young girl of nineteen in a set of camouflage pants and shirt.  She looked like she had grown up in such a short time.  This time they had been together.  “I think that we should plan something.  I don’t know.  They havent taken the pack.   Not yet anyway.  I dont think they are really planning anything with us.  I just think we should try and hang in there..  But, if something does happen, if we get too deep in this.  Maybe they think we know too much, then we should plan an escape.”  “O.k. Desiree said. “I think you may have a point, we should plan something.  Maybe if we just hang low and wait it out maybe we will figure something out, ya think?”  “Yea, you’re right.  It’s too early to tell.”  Mark looked over at  what appeared to be a few soldiers looking over at them.  He smiled and held his hand up to wave.  “He’s coming over here Mark.”  One of the soldiers quickly walked up to them, his hand on the but of the rifle slund over his shoulder. “Hey, you two!  You have your credentials?”  The soldier looked nervous.  Mark could see he had two stripes running down the sleeve of his shirt.  “Sir, we have been told by the commanding officer that we are ok to be here. There is no problem here.”  The soldier looked quickly away from Mark and his eyes shifted to Desiree.  “And your with him I assume?”  “Yes, we came together.”  She brushed her hair out of her eyes and stared evenly back at the soldier.  “I see, well I will have to check with the OIC about this.  I was not informed of visitors.”  Mark nodded.  “Thats fine, we have a clearence to be here, we have already seen the OIC. ”  “Ok, thats great young man but we have to verify.   Your name?”  Mark breathed heavily. “Name’s Mark, this is Desiree.  We have authorization to be here sir.  Are we free to go?”  The soldier said nothing and waved them on.   The two walked away leaving the soldier staring after them.
    “Interesting  huh?”   Desiree looked back at the soldier who continued to stare back at them..”Yeah, no shit.”  Mark replied slowly.  “I think these people are real nervous ya know?  I cant say I blame them though.  This whole thing is  real trip Desiree. I mean who would of thought this was all planned?  I wonder how long this New World Order has been in the works.  Doesnt make sense to me, not at all.  Guess it shows you never know what the powers that be got up their sleeves.”  “Your so right Mark.  Im sure this stuff has beem going on for a while.  I just wonder how far these people are willing to go to keep this place underwraps.  You think they would kill us if we were to run for it?” “I dont think so, but still, we should be careful.”  He looked over at a tent with the words  “Medical” on it.  “Looks like the fix ya up tent.” he said. “But for what?  I dont see what they would need that for.  This has been going on for a while now, at least three weeks.  I wonder if there are more like us around.” Desiree looked over at Mark with a confused look.  “You mean, maybe they came accross other survivors?  But if they had wouldnt there be more   in the compound?”  Yeah, your right.  Maybe there are some or maybe they left or …maybe…”Maybe what Mark?  Maybe they were killed?”  “I dont know, I dont want to jump to any conclusions just yet.  It’s way too early.”  He reached up and touched her cheek.  “Don’t worry, sweet lady.  We are ok.”  She smiled back at him.  “Yes, I know…I trust you.”

The Sunshine Murders One Thru Five

So, Ive got The Sunshine Murders Series One Thru Five finished and on  I listened to it in its entirety and I have to admit it is pretty good.  The narrator Luke Smith made the book worth listening.  He is a narrator living in Los Angeles and has narrated quite and few books.  I think he really gave it his all.   So, the last two series kind of winds down the career of John Brodis, the lead detective.  His buddy Bill who has a penchant for nasty cheap vendor coffee throws a humourous spin on the book too.   As serious as they take their investigations they also are avid surfers who find a way to put in some surf time.  Of course I wrote this in because Im a surf fanatic myself. So, in the end it came out pretty good.  I dont have a real good marketing plan but thats ok.  Its more of a personal feat for me. I guess its a done deal now, which by the way is one of John Brodis’ tag lines.  “Done Deal”…lol.  Other than that Im jar hanging in here.Life is strange I guess. Some old girlfriends I know have seen what I have been up to and ironcally they are all of a sudden reinterested in me.  I think thats funny but Ive also formed some great new relationships with them even after so many years.  Back in the day I was the nutball, tearing around on a crotch rocket, surfing all the time and guess I had an ego..  All that went away once I was hospitalized.I realized that life is fragile and Im also not immune to lifes misery.  So, maybe I have a little more compassion and empathy then I did before. So, anyways thats the deal with me.  Ive found some new tools to get me through my days.  Its not what I envisioned obviously but its better than nothing.  Ive got some more ideas for my new romance book which is up to about 80 pages. Its tough finding new ideas but Im trying.  In a perfect world I would have alot of people helping me but no…its just me….lol…A struggling new author.Image